Life as of Now

"Are you happy with your current life?"

I would say that I am happy with my life, but there are couple things that can be better.

As of now, I am in the last semester of my program. But I won't be graduating this year because I am still missing two credits and also the stupid COOPS that I was suppose to do a year ago. But I don't care because I plan to get the COOPS done during this summer (Hopefully I can get a job or two) while taking two classes. This is like my best option as of now. Since I won't be able to get enough hours even if I get a job now. And that is the reason I didn't want to take two more courses this semester (Don't want 7 courses...) But everything with school is fine.

Outside of school. Weekdays would be either at school or at home. Both is pretty boring. Out of the 7 day of the week, I am only looking forward to two of them, Tuesday and Saturday. On Tuesday night, I would be out play badminton with Tony (As of now), more and welcome to come. Hopefully its and even number of people. That is the best because it is kinda weird to have like 5 or 7 people because one would be left out, or that there would be a 1 on 2 match. I don't mind a 1 on 2 match, but when there are like 5 people playing 2 on 2, then 1 would have to sit out. Unless we have enough court space to have a 1 on 1 and a 1 on 2. Then that is fine.

Saturday is my favourite day of the week. This is the day that I can expect to have more fun and just relax.
Things that can and could happen on a Saturday:

Hanging out with friends
Gaming with friends (DOTA)
Dinner with friends
Karaoke in the afternoon and or at night
Attend an over night birthday party or party

As you all have know, I had one of the best days every two weeks ago. Which it was funtastic. ( this really a word that I use. Think I heard Tony saying this before)

I think I might have just listed all the things I like doing. Hm...seems like I don't like doing many things.

Ways that My life could be better

Getting a job
Moving out of my parents' house
Getting a Girlfriend
Try other sports
Entering badminton tournaments
Eat more delicious food
Posted on 10:24 AM by Jay Xu and filed under | 2 Comments »

School :(

At the beginning of last semester, I have notice a change in myself. My will to go to school has be significant low. Actually my will to do anything has becoming lower compare to before.

I do blame this on last summer when I had almost 6 month of free times on my hand. And that was because i failed to find a summer job. In that 6 month, I have done nothing besides going to YMCA, hang out with friends, and that's pretty much it. It was fun when that happened because at that time there was no care for anything else, its like back when you were kids. Everyday just have fun, even at school.

Also I have been more and more procrastinating ever since high school. Well, I do procrastinating in high school as well. But now its more I would think. For assignments I usually leave them to the night before its due to finish it. Sometimes working for the entire night too. I do the same thing for projects too, I know its with other people and all, but I am usually the one to put it together, so doesn't change a thing for me. Now that I think about it, I only study at the night before an exam, or even worst at the morning before the exam. This is a habit that I have adopted since coming to school at George Brown. My first program (Hotel Management), the courses were extremely easy compare to what ACCI gives out. A funny thing I still remember from my first year was the math class that I had. In high school, I find math to be a bitch and hated it, but math related course were my strongest when I am in George Brown. O yeah the funny thing, the text book the math class were print outs, total about 100 pages. When I got it I started to flip through it. It was very easy. Every week in that math class, while the prof were teaching the chapters and while other were listening, I would be completing the exercise in the so call text book. I think I finished the entire text book in less then 3 day worth of class time.

Back in ACCI, I was an average student getting 70s. While in George Brown I am the top student getting 80s and 90s. With that, I have come to a conclusion that I don't have to tried very hard to get a decent grade. And with that in mind, that is probably the reason for becoming even more procrastinating. Also most of the so call assignment I can probably finish in a day or two.

After that first program, I continued onto a degree program. The courses in the program are a bit harder then the previous one, prof marks a a bit harder. But I am still in cruising mode, and still getting by pretty good. Now in my last semester, I just plan to get through it and be done with it. 
Posted on 10:02 AM by Jay Xu and filed under | 0 Comments »


A day like what I had today comes maybe once a year. For the entire day, each and every activities that I did are my favourites, or that I enjoy doing the most out of all.

There were couple stops for today.

Early in the does 11 am count early. Well whatever, badminton was what I did for the first stop at 11. Played for two hours, had lunch with my friends, then head home and get ready for the next place.

Part two of this funtastic day was spent at Karaoke. We were there from 4 pm to around 7:30. Yeah, might be a little weird to sing K in the after noon. But it work out fine, it was WAY WAY WAY CHEAPER then at the usual time. Well, I would say its kinda weird because there wasn't any alcohol involve. But later on it was fine. This might be a first for me, sing a duet with a girl. That is because usually we get Jacky Leung to sing the female voice, which he does a really great job at it for some reason...:D. Sang couple of my favourite song from of course the AMAZING JAY CHOU. Also the duet with the girls was pretty good. I sang 珊瑚海 with one girl, and then 梁山伯与茱丽 with another. Both are now my all time loved duet songs.

Third stop were to enjoy a great Korean feast with my friends. Filled up with food. At first we were thinking of going back to continue the SING K MADNESS, but then we notice that it was Saturday today, so the cost for round two would be expensive. So we decide to go home.

Last stop of the night was tiring and refreshing at the same time, weird eh, that two opposite thing can happen in the same place. Two other friends and I went to work out, yep yep lifting some weights building some muscle. The other two need to lose weights. Then after an exhausting work out, we jump into the pool for a refreshing dip. We swam for like 15 minutes then we talked after while just laying back and relaxing in the water. After that we jumped into the jacuzzi to finish off the night.

The entire day has been enjoyable. Got to meet some new people, rock the world at Karaoke, dinner and then swimming. I wish everyday were like this. No school, no worries of money and what not. I really don't mind spending everyday like this. Hm...actually I might mind it, cause I will probably die in a week. Just looking at two hours of badminton, exhausting work outs and swimming, yup probably dead within a week or two. But I do wish that today can happen more through out the year.

Hm...speaking of 2010. What event or parties are there install for me...
Feb - Friend's sister's BDAY
April - Friend's Bday party
Summer - ...Usually I don't do much in the summer
My BDay - well I don't really celebrate my own Bday, not that I don't like it, I just see it as a normal day. If things happens on that day, then I'll enjoy it.
Christmas - Wow...already at Christmas. Christmas week parties (I hope so)

There might be more, but here are just the ones that are most likely to happen for the coming year.

AHHHHHHHH. Thinking that tomorrow will be back to the usual is making me sdsasdas :( can't even type SAD. HOW SAD AM I...
Posted on 12:45 AM by Jay Xu and filed under | 3 Comments »

Life finally back on Track

Everything seems to have gone back to normal.

Spent about 4 hours waiting in line at school just to straighten out my registration issues. There was two stops, first was to see the coordinator of my program which took about 1.5 hour to 2 hours. Got her permission to go register, so off to the second line. The second line was even worst. I see that there were two staff working to correct people's time table or other issues. 1 of them keep walking off to who knows where, comes back site for about 2 minutes, and walks off again. This line took like forever to get to me. As of now, I been standing for about 3-4 hours. So when its finally my turn, the lady there took off on a snack break (OMG). Finally after another half hour, she comes back. And I handed her my form and she completes in less then a minute...WTF they should have let me go first.

Remember the racket that I ordered online couple weeks back. Well the bad news is that the string lasted 1 and a half day and it broke. Reasons being that racket was made for front court, with a high tension on the strings for better control. But you know me, I play everywhere on the court, mostly on the back court. And because of that the high tensioned string snapped on the second day of ACTUALLY using it. The good news is that I have brought it to Sport Chek to get it restrung. I hope this time, the frame is fine.

Well, I just got home and haven't ate anything yet, so I'll end it off here. GOT TO GET SOMETHING TO EAT!!!
Posted on 3:24 PM by Jay Xu and filed under | 3 Comments »


So, as most of you have began your new semester, I am still sitting at home doing virtually nothing until the 11th. Today I went on the the George Brown site and was about to look at my time table for my new semester. Given that I registered for the coming semester during November. But when I was looking for my time table today, it wasn't there. So I went to the registration section and BOOM. I got booted out of the section that I registered for. So that is why there is no time table.

So I tried to register again, but then when I confirmed the section that I have choose, they give me a message saying "Sorry, the section that you have choose is full, please select another section..." Then I back page to the section selection, there was only one and it is the one that says to be full...So what now, I can't register, all sections are full.

Posted on 5:29 PM by Jay Xu and filed under | 1 Comments »