Life has no meaning?...

Lately I been feeling pressure that Life is becoming too short. Things from reality has finally caught up to me. Almost turning 25, it feels that I might have to finally face my life. As of now, there isn't much in my life to be proud of. The only thing that I am happy about is that I am enjoy my current life style. Being able to hang out with friends, playing badminton, and not really have to worry that much about life yet. 

For the past few weeks, my weeks has been set into routine with P90X, badminton, BBT, chilling with friends at different places. I am not saying its not fun, I enjoy every single bit of the time that I spent with them a lot.. But when I am back home and had time to think, feels as if I am throwing my life away. I already mention in the past that the only thing that I feel I am good at is playing badminton. Looking at some of my friends, they have been really successful in finding their calling card in school and now in their specific fields. During the first year of my work at Sheraton Parkway Hotel, many of the older workers would tell me that hotel management is pretty useless when it comes to help getting a job. They would say that I would be better off finding a profession like electricians, accounting, constructors and many more. Having a specific skills set is better in their opinion. I have also met few people that graduated from the same program as me, when we talk about the degree that we got, we were all saying that it is useless, which is quite true. 

What to do now?...New job within the hotel? Decide on something and go back to school? Live life as it is...? Maybe I need to find my true calling card before I can starting anything. Sigh...
Posted on 12:08 AM by Jay Xu and filed under | 0 Comments »


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