Note to Self

This will be a list of things that I will be setting for myself to do within the remaining months in the year. It will just be random things that I was to complete in no specific orders.

1. First of all is to find a new job. As I mentioned before that the job I am in is a dead in job. With not much advancement in all of the departments. Also I will need a different position job to be able to complete my Degree program...this has been haunting me for a while. 

2. Second would be to see if I actually fit into the hospitality industry...after being in the industry, I am hating it at the moment. The stuff that I do on the job, and the people that I meet are just the worst sometimes. One thing that I got from working in the housekeeping department is the realization of how dirty and messy human being can be. Of course there are good guests that keeps the room in optimal shape. But there has been days that I wonder what the hell did these guests did in the room within one night, it feels like a hurricane went through the room. It will be so messy that everything in the room is placed else where, 2 big bags of garbage (And I am talking about the big black bags). They feel that since they paid, they can do anything in the room...not true. Smoking will be charge 300 dollar on your credit card, any damage to the room will be charged as well, and overly partied room will be charged. And when they leave, they don't feel the need to leave a tip. I think have had it doing this job, time for a change.

3. Lately at badminton I have not be playing well...this might be a side effect of working out because the body is not at its best form. But I'll manage somehow. There are still a lot of improvements that I need to achieve in badminton. Even though I am not playing professionally, but I like to be at a higher level. Currently I have been working out a lot more then usual, this is a great way to improve in badminton. Having a healthy and a strong body will enable shots to be executed more accurately and more power as well. Speed is a key factor when it comes to playing badminton, being 1 second onto a shot will give one more options to play. Speed will also help you cover the courts better, enabling you to move freely on the court. I will also have to increase my stamina, my goal is to be able to sprint at a constantly speed for 45 to 60 minutes. Time to buy a new pair of running shoes, and break out the old Ipod nano and go a runs. Creating the perfect body for badminton. Next would be the techniques, as of now I am pretty comfortable of executing all of the different shots in badminton. Might need some more work on the backhand shots though. 

4. Life...there isn't much to be changed. I enjoy my current life styles. Maybe its time to meet more people. But as you all know that I am a slow heated person. It hard for me to click with strangers.

Hmm...that should be good for this year to complete. Finding topic to Blog about is becoming hard...need more new and exciting things to happen in my life. But what?...

Posted on 10:23 PM by Jay Xu and filed under | 0 Comments »

Something Happy!!!

This post is follow up post to the last one. One of my friend read the post and text me saying "It sounded like you want to suicide"...I was like NOOOO WAY. I love life too much to even think about ending my life. And with my friends around, there is no way that I would want to miss all this FUN. That post reflects the true feeling about my life because of career wise, but I ain't planning to ending it. I'll let that come naturally LOL. So in this post, I will be talking about something that is happy in my life right now.

It has been two year since Tony and I finished P90X. But these past two year we have been more focus on improving in badminton and kind of slacked off on working out. We have tried many time to start P90X again, but it tends to fall apart within the first week. Each time one of us will be like slacking and then both stops X(. We even went to YMCA, but it was just really lay back work out. We went for swimming the most. It feels so damn good after working out to just float in the water.

Here is the happy thing, we are finally back on P90X. This time we got more friends joining us as well. Lets give an hand for Matt, Kelly, Sarah and the occasionally Hoey. These are my work out buddy now, of course Tony as well, cause we are using his basement. It has already been a month since we started P90X. Even though we don't do everyday of the videos (Not everyone has the time to la.), so we mostly focus on the ones that gives the best result. Some of us are trying to lose weights, some are trying to get tone and ripped, and there is someone for size. We usually do three days of the P90X, Monday is Chest and Back; Wednesday is Shoulder Bi - Tri, and Thursday for Yoga. Results has been showing for me, after 1 month of time I feel like I have gone back to the form when I finished my first round of P90X. This feeling is good. But Kelly would still call me a TWIG...sad. But this is a good drive for me to get buff. Errr...not buff but more ripped. So a ripped Twig, I am fine with that. And training the body is an excellent way to improve in badminton =D.

The most proud is that I am glade that my friends didn't give up on the work out. I know that only working three days of a 7 day video is not that much, but it is A LOT for someone people, even for me. One is that I am proud of Matt being able to give me a challenge into pushing me further along and I will be setting a bar for him to break. Second is that the girls has been improving since the first day, results might not be that clear right now, but as long as we keep up, it will be good. As for Tony and Hoey, their main goal would be to lost weight, they will be able to if we keep up.

Come on guys and girls, lets put our all into the following two months and be in the best shape of our life.
Posted on 7:42 PM by Jay Xu and filed under | 1 Comments »

Life has no meaning?...

Lately I been feeling pressure that Life is becoming too short. Things from reality has finally caught up to me. Almost turning 25, it feels that I might have to finally face my life. As of now, there isn't much in my life to be proud of. The only thing that I am happy about is that I am enjoy my current life style. Being able to hang out with friends, playing badminton, and not really have to worry that much about life yet. 

For the past few weeks, my weeks has been set into routine with P90X, badminton, BBT, chilling with friends at different places. I am not saying its not fun, I enjoy every single bit of the time that I spent with them a lot.. But when I am back home and had time to think, feels as if I am throwing my life away. I already mention in the past that the only thing that I feel I am good at is playing badminton. Looking at some of my friends, they have been really successful in finding their calling card in school and now in their specific fields. During the first year of my work at Sheraton Parkway Hotel, many of the older workers would tell me that hotel management is pretty useless when it comes to help getting a job. They would say that I would be better off finding a profession like electricians, accounting, constructors and many more. Having a specific skills set is better in their opinion. I have also met few people that graduated from the same program as me, when we talk about the degree that we got, we were all saying that it is useless, which is quite true. 

What to do now?...New job within the hotel? Decide on something and go back to school? Live life as it is...? Maybe I need to find my true calling card before I can starting anything. Sigh...
Posted on 12:08 AM by Jay Xu and filed under | 0 Comments »

Long Time no Blog - Badminton

Hehehehe, almost forgot that I have this blog. It has been two years that I haven't posted anything new. But lately, for some odd reason I wanted to start again. Maybe it was due to a talk at a dinner with friends about diaries and blog that we used to write. Or maybe its just to kill off some of the times that I have.

So much have change in these two years. Two things that remained the same are my friends, and my love for badminton. Well, for badminton it has increased dramatically. Some of my friends calls me a badminton freak XD. Love the name because badminton has become an important part of my life. Through these two years, I have researched and studied badminton videos including actual games and coaching videos. The new skills and techniques that I have attained has allow me to move onto a higher level in badminton. Looking back at the level two years ago, I started laughing at myself. I can take the old me with 10% of my current. The time in two years can change someone so much. Anyway, back to badminton. Speed, power, technique has increased 10 fold. These improvement didn't come easy though. Without a coach its really hard to improve. Looking back at the stages that I went through, I realized that every time after playing in a tournament, I will improve some.

I still remembering the first time I went to the badminton tournament at UTSC. There was both men's doubles and men's singles. I enter both. For doubles, I was team with the new friend call John. His level is pretty much the same as me during 2010. But as for the result, sigh...bad endings lol. Got knocked out in two straight matches. But from that tournament, I got the hang and the timing of jump smashing. I guess losing is can be a good thing. 

There were couple more tournaments, but those aren't worth mentioning. But from each tournament that I have been in, I have realize more of my weak points. With that in mind, I started researching badminton and practising more and also playing WAY more.

Another turning point was when I joined one of my friend in his training session with a badminton coach. I have seem that coach's training before, I thought they would be a piece of cake. But once I tried that night, it was tough. Just doing one kinda of drill was killing me. Within the first 15 minute, I was drenched in my own sweat. And one thing, never do badminton training right after eating, BAD BAD idea. Almost threw up after the training session. This was the turning point because from that training, I have learned the proper way of moving around the courts, Foot work. Started practising more, training my legs to be stronger and faster. The very next time that I played badminton, I can move around the courts with ease, being faster makes SO much difference in badminton. Before then, I was pretty good at reading the game and the flow of the shots already, but I would always react late and be late to the shots cause of improper foot work.

Right now its time to learn the advance skills like a back hand SMASH LOL. Anyway, its pretty late. More updates coming la. 
Posted on 2:29 AM by Jay Xu and filed under | 0 Comments »