Most people are good at a lot of thing; like being good at math, computer science and programming, cooking. But when someone asks me what I am good at, all I can say is badminton because I am "OK" in everything else. So I consider badminton to be something that I am actually good at.

I fell in love with badminton the very first time I played while I was in grade 4. After that, I have played badminton every chance that I can. Whether its playing in a friend's backyard or playing it during school class like physed. I have improved dramatically since the first time I have played. In my last year of high school, I even took racket sport (A grade 10 gym class) just to play badminton, I didn't even cared if I didn't get a credit for it. That's because I have already taken a grade 10 gym before and I have already completed all my necessary credits.

I sometime wish that I can relive my Grade 8 - 12 again. This is because then I can teach those cocky bastard a thing or two about badminton. And maybe played a decent game with my Grade 8 teacher. I fantasies about reliving my life a lot, so this might be a be weird. HAHAHA.

Back to present. I still am in love with badminton. And I play it every Saturday with my friends. WE usually booked a court and played for two hours. Usually 4 people, sometimes 5. Just to be cocky, I would said that I am the best of the 5. Not jsut based on skill lvls. I based on couple of things; like the enthusiasm toward badminton, the will to improve in badminton, energy lvls, and the enjoyment of badminton. Speaking the truth, if you don't feel excited toward playing badminton, then there isn't a point in playing it. The will to improve in your game is also important, I see a lot of beginning lvl player playing each week, but they seen to have not improved at all. Energy lvl is really important in badminton, for me I can play for like 2-3 hours non stop with water breaks. The most important thing for me is the enjoyment of badminton. I enjoy badminton very much, so no matter if I win or lose the game, the most important thing is the enjoyment.

I rather play a challenging game then winning an easy game. Sometime this happens during my Saturday games when my friends are dead tired and I am still filled with energy. Right now I am trying to help my friends improve their lvl of plays so that I can have more of an exciting game every single time we played.
Posted on 7:47 PM by Jay Xu and filed under | 0 Comments »


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